Occupational health and safety

We have an integrated multi-stage occupational health and safety program to reduce work-related injuries and improve work environment. In particular, we provide the following:

  • trainings on safe behavior skills and workplace practices, and occupational health and safety trainings;
  • first aid training using specially designed mannequins;
  • tests of psychological and physiological fitness of our employees for healthy and safe working practices run by specialist psychological and physiological test laboratories;
  • certification of compliance with workplace requirements.

Safety days. Our monthly safety days held at every power station are an efficient workplace injury prevention tool. During safety days, we verify completeness and quality of trainings, availability and use of personal protective equipment, appropriateness of operational and technical documentation, and safety of workplaces and assignments.

  • We routinely perform random checks to verify compliance with occupational health and safety regulations.
  • We enforce three levels of administrative controls over occupational health and safety.
  • We patrol our sites and monitor ID/assignment-based access system and workplaces on daily basis.
  • We evaluate work assignment system and develop guidelines for employees on monthly basis.
  • We demonstrate best compliance verification practices with involvement of repair service provider employees on a monthly basis.
  • Before we get icy road conditions, we specifically work on preventing traffic accidents and deaths resulting from them, as well as employee injuries resulting from moving around the sites.
  • We monitor compliance with sanitary norms and regulations, including lab analyses.
  • We provide milk or other equivalent products to employees working in hazardous conditions.
  • We study analyst reports on injuries in electric power industry.
  • We run occupational health and safety contests among different teams working at a power plant.


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