Anti-corruption measures
INTER RAO Group is committed to increasing transparency of its Russian and international business and protecting interests of our shareholders, partners and employees from risks associated with corruption.
Hotline is an efficient tool for fighting corruption and other unlawful activities.
If you become aware of:
- planned or committed corrupt activities, fraud or theft
- sourcing process violations
- misuse or abuse of authorities
- other actions which may cause damage to our property or business reputation
Please immediately report these issues to our Hotline using the following email addresses:
Message topic |
Operations of generating facilities | |
Other issues |
Your message will be promptly reviewed by Internal audit, controlling and risk management block of INTER RAO independent from the management and reporting directly to the Board.
An independent audit will be conducted on reported issues; confidentiality of all reports is guaranteed.
We suggest that contact name and details are included in the report in case we need further information.
If the issues outlined in the report are confirmed, the report will be submitted to security office and company management for immediate action.